So, I've finally decided to start blogging again, although in quite a different manner. Recently, even with classes restarting and life being full of shenanigans left and right, I've cracked down on my writing. That's not to say that I've been neglecting it, however, I haven't been half as diligent as I should've been over the break. With that said, I'm starting this to document my process. My goal?
Representation and eventual publication.
So this, in essence, is to promote myself, get my name out there, and keep myself on the right track. I've completed a plethora of novels over the years, posted on fictionpress, and the like, and yet recently I've taken to revamping my novel ACTIONS AND MOTIVES completely. I feel like I've finally come across a "winner" or at least something that I feel I can share with the general public via bookshelf. That's the dream, at least.
So, here's the deal. I'm going to talk about my journey. Writing, editing, random stuff when I don't have any updates worth revealing, and hopefully you (whoever you readers might be) will continue to follow me, flash this link to your friends, read my excerpts, give me commentary, and generally act as the beautiful audience I know you are - without you, without those people supporting me in my life, I know I wouldn't have even made it this far. So, I'm asking anyone out there reading this to deal with whatever posts I make, and take a second to throw my link around. I know I'm not anything close to published right now, but I'm perusing it, and the more support I get, the larger the chance I have to making a name for myself and fulfilling my dream. Besides, it's hugely motivational.
So, throw this link around, become my "friend" via livejournal, leave a post, and help me move forward in my writing. I've recently been given amazing support by a soon-to-be-published author and hopefully that will pan out. If not, then I'll start querying agents. I've gotta start somewhere.
In conclusion, I'm going to end with a resolution. A few weeks late, but it's still close to the beginning of the new year.
Find an agent. Find representation.
Can you help me with that? It's amazing what a supportive group of friends/fanbase can do today!
GOOD FOR YOU!! Go get it!